Create and Manage Objectives in Leadr

Aligning your team around the top priorities is critical for success, but currently only around 50% of employees would “strongly agree” they know what’s expected of them at work. Setting clear objectives can help with that!

Objective Types

Personal Objective: A goal for one or more people to complete. These often support larger team or organization goals.

Team Objective: A goal for the team, usually related to projects. Team members can create these, and they are visible in team meetings.

Organization Objective: A high-level goal for the entire organization, like quarterly or yearly objectives. These are set by Admins and Executives and visible to everyone.

OKR Framework

Objectives: Qualitative, aspirational goals that define what you want to achieve in a specific timeframe. They answer the question "Where do we want to go?"

Key Results: Quantifiable metrics that track progress toward an objective. They answer the question "How will we know we're getting there?"

Objective Permissions

It's important to note that not everyone can perform any action on any objective. The charts below describe the actions that each user type can perform on each objective type.

Note: Regardless of user type, if any user is a viewer on an objective, they can view the objective. Any user that is a collaborator on an objective can edit and update the status of the objective. Admins and Executives will automatically be added to public objectives as viewers. Secondary managers will not automatically be added as viewers to their downline's objectives.

Personal Objectives

Action Admin Executive Manager Member
View Yes, can view any public objective & any objective they receive a link to Yes, can view any public objective & any objective they receive a link to Yes, can view downlines' objectives & any objective they receive a link to Can view their own objective & any objective they receive a link to.
Create Can only create their own objective Can only create their own objective Can only create their own objective Can only create their own objective
Edit Can only edit their own objective Can only edit their own objective Can only edit their own objective Can only edit their own objective
Delete Yes, can delete any public objective Can only delete their own objective Can only delete their own objective Can only delete their own objective
Status Update Can only update their own objective Can only update their own objective Can only update their own objective Can only update their own objective
Complete Can only complete their own objective Can only complete their own objective Can only complete their own objective Can only complete their own objective

Team Objectives

Action Admin Executive Manager Member
View Yes, can view any Team objective & any objective they receive a link to Yes, can view any Team objective & any objective they receive a link to Yes, can view objectives for Teams they are on & any objective they receive a link to Yes, can view objectives for Teams they are on & any objective they receive a link to
Create Yes, can create Team objectives Yes, can create objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can create objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can create objectives for their Teams
Edit Yes, can edit any Team objective Yes, can edit objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can edit objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can edit objectives for Teams they lead and objectives they own
Delete Yes, can delete any Team objective Yes, can delete objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can delete objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can delete objectives for Teams they lead and objectives they own
Status Update Yes, can update any Team objective Yes, can update objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can update objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can update objectives for Teams they lead and objectives they own
Complete Yes, can complete any Team objective Yes, can complete objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can complete objectives for Teams they lead Yes, can complete objectives for Teams they lead and Objectives they own

Organizational Objectives

Action Admin Executive Manager Member
View Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create Yes Yes No No
Edit Yes Yes No No
Delete Yes Yes No No
Status Update Yes Yes No No
Complete Yes Yes No No

Create an Objective

Personal Objectives

1. You can locate your Objectives feature towards the left of the Leadr screen with your Navigation Bar.

2. You can start an objective at the top right corner of your Objectives screen using the '+ New Objective' button.

3. With the new Objective open, begin adding details

  • Objective Title: Brief Description of the Objective (Ex. Professional Development: Work on Public Speaking)
  • Description: An overview of the Objective
  • Priority: Defaults to Medium but can be Lowest to Highest
  • Start and End Date: The start date can be in the past
  • Objective Type: Personal
  • Make Private: Allows the owner to make the objective visible to only the owner and those added as a collaborator or viewer
    • Note that only personal objectives can be made private
  • Select Participants: Add additional participants to the objective
    • Owner is one individual who is responsible for the overall objective
    • Collaborators are people who are assisting in the objective completion
    • Viewers are people who just need access to see the objectives progress

  1. With the Objective details filled in, select Save Objective

Team Objectives

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from creating a Personal Objective
  2. Once on step three, select "Team Objective"

  1. Next, select a team
  2. Select the Objective owner and any additional participants outside of the Team
  3. Then, select Save Objective

Note: Team members are automatically added to Team Objectives as a viewer. If team members will be updating the Objective or action items associated with the Objective, be sure to manually add them as collaborators.

Organizational Objectives

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from creating a Personal Objective
  2. Once on step three, select "Organizational Objective"
  3. Proceed with adding in details and the Save the Objective

Manage an Objective

  • Once created, your Leadr will route back to the Objectives landing page. To begin adding action items or a status, use the drop-down filter to filter by status, priority, team, or participant.

  • After locating your objective, click on it to begin adding action items or updates, or to cascade the objective, or to edit the overall details.

  • Once within the Objective landing page, you will have the option to:
    • Update
      • Allows you to update the objective status to one of the below options as well as include a quick description of the progress
    • Link objectives together
      • Allows for the creation of cascading objectives
    • View Collaborators and Viewers
    • View the Objective History
    • Add an Action Item
    • Change a objective type
      • Allows you to change objectives from personal to team objectives, or vice versa

Add an Action Item

  • Select +Add Action Item in the bottom left
  • As an owner or collaborator, you can create an action item within a personal or team objective
  • See the Action Item article for more information on creating actions

Status Updates

  • Click on the objective to update the Status.
  • Add in a percentage and brief description then click Save Changes

Collaborators can change the status readout (on track/needs attention/ at risk). Only owners can change it to a complete status

Modify an Objective

  • Objective owners and collaborators of objectives can edit the objective by selecting "edit" or the three vertical dots next to the name of the objective
  • Status can also be edited through the three dots
  • Owners can now "clone" a objective, making it easier to create an identical objective!

Team Objectives and Meetings

When creating a objective, a team can be assigned, if a team meeting is also assigned to a team, these objectives will pull into the team meeting.

  • Link the objective by selecting a team during the creation

  • Next, follow the steps above to create the objective
  • If a corresponding Team Meeting is already linked, the objective will be displayed in the meeting similarly to a one-to-one (max number of objectives listed in a meeting is 15)
  • Check out the Meeting articles for more information on setting up your linked Team Meetings

Cascading Objectives

Create Cascading Objectives

  1. First, locate the objectives page under the alignment category in the sidebar

2. Click into a objective that you want to be apart of the the cascading sequence

You'll see this organization Objective is already in a cascading sequence since it has a drop-down arrow

Any type of objective can be linked to any other type of objective

3. On the right side of the Objective’s details, you will see an option to connect an objective to be the parent objective, or select multiple objectives to be supporting objectives

Objectives can have a single parent objective, but have multiple supporting objectives

  1. When connecting a parent objective or supporting objective, you will be able to select an existing objective already created, or create a new objective directly within the window.

If a private objective which the user is not a participant in is in the cascade, they only see “Private Objective”

Linking a objective may effect the visibility users have to the objective. Please review the Objective Permissions section of this article.

  1. Select save objective and your objectives are cascaded!

Navigating Cascading Objectives

  1. Within the Objectives page, you will see a drop down arrow allowing you to expand the entire cascade of objectives. The "stack" icon shows how many supporting objectives the parent objective has

  1. Within the objective, you can locate and navigate to that objective's parent and supporting objectives.

  1. By clicking the three dots next to a objective, you can disconnect or replace the parent objective, or disconnect a supporting objective. You can add new supporting objectives by selecting "+ Connect Objective".

Cascading settings

  • Admins can disable Cascading Objectives for their org in Admin Settings
  • Users can toggle on/off the Cascading Objectives view on the Objectives Page for their own account
  • Users can toggle on/off the Cascading Objectives view on Leadr Home for their own account

Objective Notifications

You receive notification emails if you are added manually as the owner, collaborator, or viewer. Users such as executives and admin who are automatically added as implicit viewers do not receive these emails.

  • When a objective is created
  • When a objective is completed
  • When a objective is deleted
  • The objective is assigned a new owner
  • The owner is removed as objective owner
  • A user is added to a objective
  • Updates are made to the objective status

The Leadr Advantage

  1. For Leadr Advantage Customers, there will be two subcategories of Team Objectives. Select whether this Objective is a Defining Objective or Standard Operating Objective.
  2. Select the Team you would like to link to this DO or SOO. All Team members will automatically be added as a Viewer of the Objective.
  3. If you'd like anyone to add actions, comment on actions, and update, you can add them as a Collaborator in the Select Participants field.

Any meeting linked to this Team will automatically populate this Defining Objective or Standard Operating Objective at the top of the meeting. View Link Teams to a Objective or Meeting for steps on linking Teams to a meeting.

Video Walk-Thru

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