Navigation Menu

Leadr's navigation just got simpler! Use our simplified navigation menu to move through Leadr seamlessly, bringing clarity on where each habit lives within People Development.

  • Locate the menu on the left-hand side of Leadr, where you can navigate to each module within Leadr. Drop-downs you have opened will now remain open until you close it.
  • Here you will find:
    1. Search Meetings
    2. Home
    3. Meetings
    4. Organization
    5. Alignment
    6. Growth

  • Search, Home, and Meetings do not have drop down menus that expand
  • Organization, Alignment, and Growth will have drop down menus with additional menu items inside
    • Organization helps you recognize your team, their efforts, and learn how to equip them best
    • Alignment holds the habits of healthy teams by ensuring priorities
    • Growth gives each team member a place to invest in their own development

Please note: Not all organizations will have each menu option described below. Menu options will vary by Leadr package purchased. If you choose to disable or enable a module, please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

  • Within Organization you will find:

1. People

2. Recognition

3. Insights

  • Within Alignment you will find:

4. Objectives

5. Action Item

6. Surveys

  • Within Growth you will find:

7. Development Plans

8. Learning

9. Feedback

10. Reviews

Other Leadr Areas

  • In addition to the Leadr pages included in the above menu, your organization may have an external link to your HR platform
  • Below the HR link, you can access your profile, settings, and logout function. For more information here, please view:

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