Create Your Profile

Setting up your profile in Leadr helps make meetings so much more personal. Learn how to get started below!

Setting up your profile, or what we at Leadr like to call your “baseball card,” is an excellent way to get to know your team and those you are meeting for the first or hundredth time! During your 1:1s, you’ll be able to see a bio about the person you’re meeting, their personality type, and other fun facts such as their favorite food. This is a great way to make your 1:1s more personal while also developing employees as a whole.

Getting started

  1. Log into your Leadr account, then locate and select your name found in the lower-left corner of the main page

  2. Next, locate and select Profile found in the lower right corner.

    3. If you already added your photo during signup, skip to step four. If not, go ahead and upload a profile picture and fill out the Basic Information fields.

About Me

Now for the fun part! Write a brief bio in the About Me section. Some Leadrs like to include essential traits, how to communicate with them, quirks, and other tidbits that a coworker may not know. Maybe you want to travel or enjoy cooking or have some crazy cool hobbies. Include what’s important to you in your About Me; so your team gets to know you even better!

  1. Scroll down in your profile card to click the "Edit" button next to the "About Me (Bio)" section. A bio will expand to the left where you can fill out anything you'd like your coworkers to know.

Personality Types

Next, add your Personality Types. Many different personality tests are available, so Leadr listed some of the most common ones, including the Enneagram, Myers Briggs, DiSC, StrengthsFinder, and Working Genius. Add results for those your organization uses or likes best. Once populated, curated communication tips will become available to those within your organization. If you are a personality test guru or identify better with a different type, please update the results!

  1. If you know your personality type, select the box of the personality type you'd like to edit and select your choice.
  2. If you don't know your personality type, then you get to take a fun test to find out! Select "Find out your ____" based on which personality test you'd like to take in that blank field.
    1. Some tests are free, and that link will navigate you to the free test.
    2. If the test is not free, the link will either take you to the page to purchase it, or your admin will fill in that link themselves to the test they've pre-paid for.


Fill out the Favorites sections with your favorite food, snack, drink, or organization-specific field(s).

Social Media Profiles

If you are an overachiever, add links to your socials like LinkedIn or Instagram under the Social Media Profiles field.

Lastly, scroll back to the top, and select Save Changes in the upper right corner to publish your profile!

Ta-Da! Your profile is complete and ready for your next 1:1 meeting!

Video Walk-Thru

Above video is a comprehensive guide for first-time users. Sit back, relax, grab some popcorn, and learn how to be a pro at using Leadr!

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