Using Leadr Home

Leadr Home is the single-look view that shows users what's upcoming or due next.

Leadr Home puts your team, your day, and your to-do list front and center so you can focus on the most critical parts of your day. You can learn more about Leadr Home and how you can leverage its features below.

Customize Home

You can now add, remove, and rearrange widgets on Leadr Home to customize it to your liking.

To rearrange the widgets, just click on the widget's title and drag it to a new location like this:

Add and Remove Widgets

You can also add and remove widgets from Leadr Home by clicking the Customize button. To add or remove a widget, just hover over it in the drawer and click the button!

Meetings Widget

What meetings show up in the module?

Users will see all meetings within the next two calendar days.

As a meeting organizer, you can review meetings from external calendars and choose whether to import the meeting into Leadr or ignore them. Once imported, all other meeting participants will see the meetings in the module (Home) and on their Meetings tab.

How do I see ignored meetings?

Users can toggle on or off the “View Ignored Meetings” option within the meeting widget menu tree to view ignored meetings.

Can Users without a connected calendar still use the meetings widget?

Yes. The module will support non-connected calendar users. Please note this may change in future updates. Communication will be sent to Leadr users in advance of any significant change.

People Widget

People are at the heart of the Leadr Home dashboard. You can get at-a-glance updates on people metrics and easily see who on your team is requesting feedback, updating objective progress, and collaborating well with teammates.

Which people show up in Leadr Home?

The list of people shown depends on the user’s role in the organization:

  • Managers: Themselves, their manager (without metrics), and then their direct reports
  • Individual Contributors: Themselves, their manager (without metrics), and then other people who report to the same manager (without metrics)
  • Execs see metrics for all users displayed

Objectives Widget

The Objectives widget will show your upcoming objectives sorted by due date descending, with a drop-down menu allowing you to filter by type of objective. You are able to enable or disable cascading view. Clicking "view all" will bring you to the objectives module where you will see all of your objectives.

Currently, the person has to be the objective owner for their objective to be visible on the home page. We have the following Objective limitations in place -
  1. Personal Objectives

All personal objectives where the user is the objective owner

  1. Team objectives

All team objectives the user is the owner or a collaborator in are displayed

  1. Org Objectives

All non-private org objectives are displayed (all users are at least viewers of non-private org objective)

All private org-objectives the user is the owner or a collaborator in are displayed

Celebrate Widget

The Celebrate widget will show you the next 30 days at a maximum of 5 of your coworkers work anniversaries or birthdays. Clicking "view all" will let you see all events within the next 30 days.

What's Due Widget

The What's Due widget will display the top 10 open (non-complete) items requiring action assigned to the current user, sorted by due date (action items, feedback, surveys, learning, and reviews). You can sort by category by clicking the drop-down menu at the top of the widget.

Recognition Widget

the Recognition widget will show the 5 most recent recognitions submitted in your organization. Clicking "view all" will bring you to the full Recognition module, where you can see all previous recognition.

The Leadr Advantage

What is Organizational Clarity?

This widget answers the first four of what Lencioni calls "The 6 Critical Questions". With Organizational Clarity on Leadr Home, every team member can be reminded of what's most important each day to ensure alignment.

"The single, greatest advantage any company can achieve is organizational health."

- Patrick Lencioni

What is Team Clarity?

Users will see the answers to the last two of "The 6 Critical Questions". These two questions reinforce Team alignment, creating clarity around how each team will succeed. Users with more than one Team can toggle between teams using the drop-down menu next to Team Clarity.

How do I edit these widgets?

Organizational Clarity

Admins can edit Organizational Clarity from their Admin settings. Once in this tab, scroll down to view the Organizational Questions and edit them. Be sure to click "Save Settings" at the bottom of the page once completed.

Team Clarity

Any Team Owner can edit Team Clarity from the Teams page within the People widget. Team Clarity questions are answered when creating or editing a Team. View Teams | Create, Manage, and Use for more information on how to edit Teams.

Video Walk-Thru

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach us at

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