People Tab and Org Chart in Leadr

The People tab in Leadr lets you find the profiles for people within your organization and learn more about your organization's hierarchy.

Do you want to see your boss's boss favorite snack or personality type? Or maybe make a new friend in another department? An excellent place to start is within Leadr's people tab.

Here, you can find everything from personality tests to favorite snacks for everyone within your organization.

People Tab

  1. To Begin, open Leadr and head to the People tab on the left side of your Leadr page

  1. Once selected, the People tab should display each person within your company in alphabetical order.

Since Managers have direct reports, the view for them will include people metrics which we will discuss further in the article.

  1. Clicking on each member, you will be able to view the details they have entered about their favorites and their personality!

    At Leadr, we refer to these bios as a team member's Baseball Card.

For Managers

Managers will see something more in-depth when they go into the People tab.

These green, yellow, & red metrics are a grid where managers can track where their team is in their engagement with one another. If you want to know more about people metrics, Check out this article - Admin: People Metrics

If you are not a manager, the only metrics you will be able to see are your own.

Leadr Advantage People Tab

Each team member's Working Genius is prominently displayed on their personalized card in the People tab. Filter by one value to find people where either Genius is a match, or select two to find people with that unique combination.

View the Org Chart

To access the hierarchy of the Org Chart, select the blue Org Chart button

The chart will default to you; use the up/down arrow to move higher within the chart

By using the arrows you can see who others report to within your organization. The structure is determined by who someone's manager is. A manager is selected when the profile is first created in Leadr, and if someone's manager needs to be updated, admins can choose a different manager within the Admin page.

Note, that when adding a secondary manager, the org chart will update to include those as the secondary manager's direct reports.

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