People Transitions

Have a team member transitioning off the team? New manager coming in? Follow the tips in this article to help prepare for these transitions.

Managers: 1:1 Meeting Transition

The 1:1 meeting is protected, so only the participants of the meeting will be able to see those meeting details. However, once the meeting series has ended, any active participants will be able to see the meeting history in the "Past" meetings tab. Even if one user in the meeting series has been deactivated, the other active user can view the meeting history. However, this meeting will not be available to other users to view, including any admins or a new manager. View all ended series or one-time meetings in the "Past" tab of the Meetings page.

If the new manager would like to see a previous 1:1 meeting, either participant can click into a meeting instance, select the 3 dots to the right of a meeting title, and print the agenda. Participants can print out each separate instance of their 1:1 meeting, but cannot print all meetings in a series at once. The participant printing this meeting can also print to PDF using their browser. Please reach out to your internal IT team if you have questions about print to PDF steps. Meetings cannot be exported.

Additionally, any topics bookmarked for Reflections in previous 1:1s with the original manager will be visible in the Reflections dashboard for both the direct report and the new manager. This way, the new manager can reflect on important topics brought up in 1:1s with the previous manager. View Using Reflections for more information.

Managers: Past Reviews Transition

New managers can view all past reviews of their direct reports, even if they were not the reviewer during that cycle. The new manager's role and next step will be marked as N/A when viewing that Review, but all submitted answers from the reviewee and reviewer will be visible.

Manager Transition: Admin Responsibilities

Admins will need to go to the People page, select the Admin tab, click the 3 dots to the right of the direct report's name, and edit that user to switch managers.

Choose the new, correct manager, then save the direct report's profile. For additional details, view Manage Users.

If your organization has Single Sign-On enabled along with automated User Provisioning, these changes will take place in your organization's IdP. Please reach out to your internal IT team to change user's managers.

Transitioning Meeting Ownership

If you have a member who needs to transition ownership of a meeting, both non-calendar integrated Leadr users and Google calendar users can transition ownership. However, Outlook does not allow for calendar event ownership transitions.

For non-calendar integrated users, the meeting host can click the 3 dots to the right of the meeting title and select Transfer Ownership.

For calendar-integrated Google users, the host can click on the 3 dots at the top right of their event, and select Change owner.

For Outlook users, you cannot transfer meeting ownership as Outlook does not have this capability. The new host will need to create a new meeting series.

Removing Transitioning Users from Meetings

If team members are transitioning off of a meeting, the host of the meeting will need to remove them from the meeting. If the team member will be deactivated, the host will need to remove that team member from the meeting before the deactivation. When removing participants from a calendar invite, remove them from the entire series. View Calendar Integration | Editing Your Meetings for more information.

If a deactivated user was not removed from a meeting prior to deactivation, please reach out to our Leadr Support team via the chat bubble or

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