Add Feedback to Your Meeting

Adding feedback to your meeting is perfect for a more in-depth discussion on questions you may have asked or received.

If you have received or given feedback through Leadr, you can add the feedback to your next 1:1 with that person. This is a good time to go over responses more in-depth and discuss things to ensure clear communication. Discussing feedback isn't always comfortable, but it is integral for growth, and the more you make feedback a habit, the easier it will get.

Adding Feedback to a Meeting

1. First, you will go to the Feedback tab and find the feedback that you want to discuss.

You can add feedback that you received or feedback you gave.

It is important that you have a meeting set up with this individual before these steps.

It is important that you have a meeting set up with this individual before these steps.

  1. Next, on the right side of the feedback you've selected, there will be a Green Briefcase that reads, Add this response to the next meeting, select this suitcase.

3. Upon selecting the Green Briefcase, you will be able to select which meeting you would like to add this feedback to. If you are not seeing meetings available, you may not have a meeting set up with this individual yet.

It is important that you have a meeting set up with this individual before these steps.

4. After selecting the meeting you want, the feedback is now added to the meeting you selected!

  1. You can verify the feedback made it to your meeting by going to your meetings tab, clicking on the meeting you selected, and you will find the feedback below your Action Items.

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