Edit Permissions for Participants

Do you want to know more about who can do what in a meeting? This article will help!

In Leadr, the Meetings tab is crucial. So, knowing what you and other participants can and cannot do in the past, current, or future meetings will help you to better prepare for your 1:1s and Team Meetings.


Adding a Topic

Any participant in the meeting can add agenda items to the meeting. A timestamp will show when the item was added.

Editing a Topic

The owner of an agenda item can edit it. A timestamp will show when the item was edited. To make edits, or delete, access the three dots.

Deleting Topics

The owner of an agenda item can delete it from the meeting agenda. This action is permanent and cannot be undone. Agenda items cannot be deleted from past or archived meetings.

Completing a Topic

Any user in the meeting can mark any of the agenda items in the meeting as completed. This will be done through the circle bubble to the left of the agenda item.

Changing the Order of Topics

Users can drag and drop to change the order of their agenda items within a meeting using the dots to the left of their agenda items.

Agenda items that are marked private cannot be reordered, these items will always be at the bottom of your agenda. This is because other users in the meeting can also reorder agenda items, but are not able to see your hidden agenda items, which makes the order of them difficult to manage in relation to the items that are visible.

You will be able to identify which items are private by the eyeball icon to the right of the agenda item.

See below for more information on private agenda items!

Agenda Item Actions

Make Private

  • To make an agenda item only visible to the creator of the agenda item, you will select the eyeball icon when setting up your agenda item.

  • When an agenda item is private, all comments associated with the topic are also hidden from other users. However, changing an agenda item from private to public does not automatically make all the comments public.
  • Private Agenda Items cannot be re-ordered unless amongst other Private Agenda Items.
  • Clicking the eyeball icon again will make the agenda item public (at which point you can re-order)
  • Can be performed only by the creator of the agenda item

Make Recurring

  • Make an agenda item recurring and added to all future meetings by clicking the cycle icon when creating this agenda item
  • Comments made to recurring agenda items are NOT copied to future meetings.
  • This function can be performed by any user in the meeting.
  • This will disable the carryover functionality while active

End Recurrence

Carry Over to the Next Meeting

  • Copies the agenda item and associated comments to the next meeting in the series. This action makes a fully separate copy of the agenda item (they are NOT linked). If the user performs this action multiple times, the agenda item will be copied multiple times
  • Can be performed by any user in the meeting
  • Can not be performed on recurring Agenda Items

Convert to Action Item

  • Creates a draft of action out of the agenda item. The user must click the “Add Item” button in the Action Items panel to save it.

  • By default, the action item is assigned to the person performing the action but can be changed by the user before saving it.
    • Within a 1:1 meeting, only the two people in the 1:1 are available to be assigned the action item.
    • In a team meeting, any person in the Org can be assigned an action item.

  • Action items made within your meetings can be seen within your own action items section in Leadr.

  • Action Items can be made by any user in the meeting

Delete Topic

  • Deletes the action item and associated comments from the current meeting agenda. This action can not be undone - the user would need to manually recreate the agenda item.
  • Can be performed only by the creator of the agenda item

Bookmark for Reflections*

  • Adds the Meeting and Agenda Topic as an available selection for reflections during a review
  • Can only be done in a 1:1 (recurring or one-time) in an organization with reflections enabled. (If you are unsure if you have reflections enabled, feel free to reach out to our support team and ask!)
  • Only the creator of the Agenda Item can bookmark currently

Actions on Past-Meeting and Archived-Meeting Agenda Items

Action Past Meetings** Archived Meetings
Add Agenda Item Yes* Yes*
Edit Agenda Item Yes* Yes*
Delete Agenda Item/Comments No No
Mark Completed Yes* Yes*
Rearrange Agenda Items Yes* Yes*
Make Private Yes* Yes*
Make Recurring Yes Yes
Make Action Item No No
Copy Over to the Next Meeting Yes* Yes*
Bookmark Yes Yes

*Timestamp will indicate when the change was made (currently change includes ANY change, even non-text)

**A meeting instance moves into “past” status once 12 hours have elapsed. This does not apply to the Make Action Item, which moves into past status immediately. See the note above on Make Action Item for an explanation.

Permission for performing Agenda Item Actions

Action Creator Organizer Admin Other
Add Agenda Item Yes Yes Yes Yes
Edit Agenda Item Yes No No No
Delete Agenda Item/Comments Yes Yes Yes No
Mark Completed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rearrange Agenda Items Yes Yes Yes Yes
Make Private Yes No No No
Make Recurring Yes Yes Yes Yes
Make Action Item Yes Yes Yes Yes
Copy Over to Next Meeting Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bookmark* Yes No No No

*Bookmark will only be available in a 1:1, and it also requires that reflections be enabled for the organization. Speak with your Customer Success Manager or reach out to our Support team for more information on Reflections.

#topics #carryover #reoccuring #private #comments #actions

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