Insights Dashboard Breakdown

What's a good eNPS score? How do I interpret the Engagement dashboard? What do I do with all this data?

Great questions! Data is a helpful tool, but only if you understand how to interpret it. That's why we've built this article; we're here to help you use your Insights data in meaningful ways to develop your people.

If you're looking for information on how to use or edit Insights, please refer to Insights | Admin, Executive, or Manager.

Executive View vs. Manager View

As we walk through each dashboard within Insights, please keep these different views in mind:

Executive View: If you have Executive or Administrator permissions at your organization, you'll be able to view data from all employees at once or filtered based on certain manager's direct reports, departments, or Teams.

Manager View: If you are a manager of 2+ employees, you will see their data charted. Data from other teams will be unavailable to you.

Note: All of this data is anonymous. No one can see individual responses, no matter the type of view. If a manager only has one direct report, they will not have access to Insights data as the results would not be confidential.

Interpret the Engagement Dashboard

The Engagement Dashboard shows an average of answers collected through the employee engagement survey. If respondents answered a question with "Strongly Disagree", they'll be assigned a 1. If they answered "Strongly Agree", they'll be assigned a 5. The results will be the average of scores rounded to the nearest half point.

In this chart, you can view results over different amounts of time, such as 3 months, 6 months, last year, or from a certain date that the survey went out.

By expanding this dashboard, you can see the results for Clarity, Maximization, or Rapport individually for more detailed insight (highlighted in the blue box in the image below). You can also view the results by each specific question by using the "Responses" filter (highlighted in the red box in the image below).

In the unexpanded view, there will be an Engagement bar graph to the right that shows your team's most recent survey scores.

We suggest aiming for a score of 4 or higher in each section. If you notice scores lower than 4/5, you can expand Leadr Coach below the Engagement bar graph for suggestions on how to take action based on your engagement scores.

eNPS View

The eNPS dashboard shows your eNPS scores over time. For the first 3 months of Leadr, your eNPS Analysis dashboard will only have one score since it is included in your surveys quarterly, if enabled.

Managers will have an eNPS score for their direct reports. Executives and Admins will see the eNPS for the entire organization, or filtered by certain managers' direct reports, departments, or Teams.

In the unexpanded view, there will be an smaller eNPS widget to the right that shows your team's most recent eNPS score.

Executives and Admin can also review the percent change between Promoters, Passives, and Detractors from the expanded eNPS breakdown view. You can filter between each type by clicking on the percentage to the right. These results are only available on the organization view for anonymity.

Interpreting eNPS Scores

What is eNPS? eNPS stands for employee Net Promoter Score. Essentially, it is a measure of how likely an employee is to recommend their company to others, reflecting their own job satisfaction.

How do you calculate an eNPS score? eNPS measures the number of Promoters (selected 9-10 on the survey), Passives (selected 7-8 on the survey), and Detractors (selected 0-6 on the survey). The number you see is calculated by subtracting the number of Detractors from the number of Promoters.

This can feel surprising, given that to many of us, a response of 6/10 doesn't sound overly negative - but keep in mind that for a 6/10, they're most likely tempering any question about how they like their workplace with a big "but..."

You're probably thinking ok great... get to the point, I want to know if we have a good score! Here's how we interpret eNPS scores:

  • < 0: A negative score means your team has more employees actively disengaged than employees actively participating.
  • -20 - +20: A score at or around zero means you have about as many employees who are discontent as those who are excited to show up to work.
  • >+20: A positive score means that you have more actively engaged employees than disengaged. Congrats!

Average scores can vary so much across industries and team structure. We encourage you to aim for improvement across eNPS scores, instead of evaluating a one-time score. That being said, a score above 20 is good, above 50 is great, and above 70 is phenomenal! 100 would mean that you have no Detractor employees.

You can monitor both eNPS scores and participation over time easily in Leadr Insights. This allows you to see how events and thoughtful decisions affect your organization and teams.

People Metrics

The People Metrics dashboard down at the bottom of the Insights page shows you the percentage of people who have: 1:1s with their manager, updated goals, participated in feedback, and overall usage of Leadr.

If you expand this widget, you can filter the data by person. People Metrics will update every night to give you updated data each day. Managers will only have access to direct reports, while executives will see People Metrics for everyone in the organization.

Insights Questions

Research tells us that the strongest teams share three primary characteristics: rapport,

maximization, and clarity, which is why Leadr Insights is built to directly measure each

of these areas.

  • Clarity - Do you know what's required of you to be winning in your role?
  • Maximization - Do you have the resources you need to perform at your best in your role?
  • Rapport - Do you feel connected to your organization’s mission and goals?

Leadr’s engagement survey asks one statement drawn from each of these

characteristics every month. A different statement from each category will be asked in

the survey for the first six months, then repeated in the following six months.


  1. I understand what is expected of me in my role.
  2. I understand how my work contributes to our organization's mission.
  3. Our team goals align with the primary goals of our organization.
  4. The work I do every day directly contributes to the success of our team.
  5. The information I need to do my job is always made available to me.
  6. I have access to the resources I need to grow in my role.


  1. I am regularly recognized and appreciated for the work I do.
  2. I have the opportunity to use my individual strengths frequently in my role.
  3. I am strongly valued for the unique strengths I bring to the team.
  4. There are clear opportunities for my growth and development here.
  5. I have regular conversations with my leader about my development.
  6. My leader helps me to reflect on the progress I have made in my role.


  1. I am comfortable giving honest feedback to my team.
  2. I have confidence and trust in my leader.
  3. I am encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.
  4. I enjoy collaborating with my team.
  5. I am comfortable asking for help when I need it.
  6. I feel like my team greatly values me.

People Insights Export

The People Insights Export allows you export your team's Leadr utilization data to a csv file. From here, you can customize, edit, and filter your view of this data as needed. The People Insights data captures a rolling 30 day picture. Every 24 hours, the data will be updated to reflect a picture of the previous 30 days. When exported, the data will reflect the moment in time that the data was exported. Admin & executive users may export this data as frequently as they would like to.

  1. Locate the People insights portion toward the bottom of the Insights module. Click the arrows to expand

  1. select "export user metrics". This will send teh .CSV file to your email!

Have any more questions? We're here to help! Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or with any questions.

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