Schedule a non calendar-integrated Meeting

If you do not have your calendar integrated, you can create a meeting directly in Leadr. If your calendar is integrated, please make all creations and edits in your calendar. View our Create a Meeting article to schedule meetings if your calendar is integrated.

Creating a Meeting in Leadr

  1. Click on the Meetings tab on the left-hand side of Leadr

  2. Then select "+ New Meeting" at the top right corner of the page.

  3. Now you will see three types of Meetings to choose from:
    1. 1:1 Meeting: A recurring meeting between yourself and one other Leadr user.
    2. One-time 1:1 Meeting: A single instance meeting between yourself and one other Leadr user.
    3. Team Meeting: A meeting between 2+ staff that can reoccur or be scheduled as one-time.

4. After selecting the appropriate Meeting type, you can begin to schedule your Meeting!

For a 1:1 Meeting

  1. Select a 1:1 Meeting to begin scheduling a recurring Meeting between you and your teammate.
  2. First, add the other participant to your 1:1
    1. You can filter by Your Direct Reports, Leaders, Peers, Skip Level, and Others
    2. Upon adding your participant, the 1:1 Meeting will auto-populate a Title.
    3. Here is a quick video selecting individuals for a reoccurring 1:1 Meeting

3. Next, you can set a Date, Time, Frequency, and Repeating Days

    1. Click into the Start Date field to add the first date you will be meeting and the time frame of this meeting

  • Next, you will select the Frequency of this meeting or how often you will meet with this user.

    Note: The frequency will be reflect what your external calendar supports (ie. Outlook, Google calendar, etc.)

  • Now select Repeats On if the meeting reoccurs on more than the highlighted day of the week.

    For example, if you Sync with Sarah for 15 mins every morning, you would schedule the cadence with Repeats On MTWTF.

  • Lastly, you should be ready to select Create Meeting for your new Reoccurring 1:1 Meeting at the very bottom of your Create Meeting page.

    Note: if your calendar is synced, it will send out invites and block the time within all participant's calendars.

For a One-time 1:1 Meeting

  • After selecting a One-time Meeting, you will be all set to add your details for the meeting!
  • First, you will select the participant you want to set this meeting up with

Upon adding your participant, the One-Time 1:1 Meeting will auto-populate a Title. Pretty cool, right?

  • Next, click into the Start Date field to add the first date you will be meeting and the time frame of this meeting.
  • Lastly, finalize your meetings by clicking Create Meeting

This meeting will fall into the Timeline between you and the other participant. So, any 1:1 you have with this participant, you will see any One-time meetings that have happened within that Meeting Timeline as well!

For a Team Meeting

  • After selecting to set up a Team Meeting, add a Title for your meeting. Unlike the 1:1s above, Team Meetings will not auto-populate a Title.

  • Next, click into the Start Date field to add the first date and time you will be meeting

  • Next, choose the frequency for this meeting to occur. Need the meeting to happen only once? Great! Select One Time from the frequency drop down.

  • With all the details added, you can now begin selecting your Participants. You can filter by downline, direct reports, recent, or search by typing in the search field. Once the user is located, select their icon to add them to a meeting. Accidentally added in the wrong Member? Use the Red X on the right of their icon to remove the user from the Team Meeting.

Note you may choose only one participant and add more later. It will not automatically turn into a 1:1 meeting.

Link a Team

When scheduling a meeting through Leadr, users can link to a Team that they are a part of. Follow the above steps, then use the Link Team drop-down to select a corresponding team.

Team meetings that are linked to a Team will be displayed below Private Meeting Notes under "Team"

Once linked, corresponding Team goals will be displayed within the Team meeting similarly to the one-to-one.

For The Leadr Advantage, goals can be categorized by Thematic, Defining, and Standardized Objectives. See the goals article for information on creating these goal types

Remember, at Leadr, "we believe the single biggest driver of increased growth, engagement, and productivity is the relationship between the manager and the employee. This makes the one-on-one meeting an incredibly important time, as it may be the only dedicated space all week where they have your undivided attention."

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