Calendar Integration | Security Permissions Overview

Security permissions behind Calendar Integration


Leadr can be configured to integrate with several commonly used calendar providers, including:

  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft 365

This Calendar Integration allows Leadr to see meetings on your calendar and surface them in Leadr to facilitate meetings and 1:1s along with agendas.

Leadr uses industry-standard OAuth authentication practices to facilitate these integrations. OAuth is an open standard for authorization that allows third-party applications to access resources on behalf of a user. When an application requests certain OAuth security scopes, it is essentially asking for permission to access specific resources or perform certain actions on behalf of the user.

These permissions can be revoked anytime in either Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 if you decide to stop using Leadr.

Leadr only requests access to things needed to function. This means Leadr does not ask for permission to see your documents, read your email or anything else outside of what the requested permissions allow.

Google Integration

Leadr requests the following permissions when connecting to a users Google Workspace account

Permission What this allows Why does Leadr need this?
Profile Associate you with your personal info on Google Leadr uses this to allow you to log into Leadr using your Google account.
Profile Email See your primary Google Account email address Leadr needs your email address to help identify you.
Profile Details See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available Leadr needs access to certain profile information such as your name.
Calendar Read/Write See, edit, share, and permanently delete all the calendars you can access using Google Calendar Leadr needs access to your calendar(s) to be able to see and update your upcoming meetings. Leadr does not delete or share calendars.
Email Send Send email on your behalf Leadr may in the future send email on your behalf for future capabilities. This is not currently used.

Microsoft Integration

Leadr requests the following permissions when connecting to a users Microsoft 365 account

Permission What this allows Why does Leadr need this?
Profile Access to your profile information such as your email address and name Leadr uses this to allow you to log into Leadr using your Microsoft account.
Email Address Access to your email address Leadr needs access to certain profile information such as your email address.
Access your mailboxes Access to your mailbox Leadr may in the future send email on your behalf for future capabilities. This is not currently used.
Calendars Read and Write access to your calendars Leadr needs access to your calendar(s) to be able to see and update your upcoming meetings. Leadr does not delete or share calendars.
Contacts Read and Write access to your contacts Leadr may in the future use your contacts. Leadr does not currently use this.
Mail Read and Write access to your email & send email on your behalf Leadr may in the future integrate with your email. Leadr does not currently use this
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