Delegate Access

Giving someone in your organization permission to log in as you is now possible within Leadr. Follow the steps below to find out how:

We suggest using this feature with extreme caution given the capabilities delegates will have. Please consider who you give access to carefully!

How to Enable and Use Delegate Access

  1. An admin must toggle the feature on within admin settings

We intentionally created this feature to have several steps to make sure users are fully opting in to someone impersonating their account, given the sensitive nature of some content within Leadr

  1. Once toggled on, anyone in the organization can list the people they want to give access to their account

  1. Once saved, the user given delegated access will the "Log In as..." option in their task bar on the left-hand side of their dashboard

  1. After selecting "Log In As..." a new module will appear, giving them the option to select the user they wish to impersonate, and their account will display in a new window

Other Notes

  • Given the authority delegate users have, we advise to carefully consider who you give access to
  • Delegate access users will not have access to reviews and settings

Common Use Cases

  • Executive admins/assistants
    • Creating meeting agendas
    • updating goals
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