Reviews for Admins

You work hard to track your goals, feedback, and learning in Leadr. When it comes time for your performance review, those accomplishments should be easy to find and include. At Leadr, we want to recapture the value of reviews as an essential part of the ongoing growth of leaders within an organization.

When using Goals, 1:1's, Feedback, and Learning effectively, the review process becomes a seamless way to provide a "checkpoint" to pause for a moment and reflect on the recent quarter's accomplishments and changes.

Only admins have the ability to create review cycle and view reviews for all participants.

Creating a Review Cycle as an Admin

Admins can create and edit Review Cycles in the Growth tab, under Reviews

  1. Click Start a Review Cycle

  1. Add review cycle name (required)
  2. Add an optional review cycle description
  3. Select a review type (required)
    • Open Review - The manager can see the reviewee‘s responses before submitting their responses
    • Closed Review - The manager cannot see the reviewee‘s responses until the manager submits their responses.
  4. Manage the level of visibility that you would like for your Admin users to have.
    • Selecting "All Admins" will allow all Leadr users with Admin access to have visibility to this review cycle.
    • "Select Specific Admins" allows you to choose which Leadr users with Admin access that you would like to have full visibility to this review cycle. If an Admin user is not selected, they will not have behind-the-scenes access to this particular review cycle.
  5. Select whether to include secondary managers in a review cycle.

Note: Secondary managers can only be included if matrix organizations are turned on and a secondary manager is added to at least one user. This setting cannot be changed once the review cycle is published.

  1. Select Start and End dates for the Review Period. (see image below)

Note: If start and end dates are not selected, the current date will automatically be selected

  1. Select an Assessment Deadline. (see image below)
      • Specify a date by which all parties should complete their assessments. This will be used in email reminders and notifications when “overdue” is determined.

Note: If an assessment deadline is not selected, the current day’s date will automatically be selected

  1. Select a Review Sign-off Deadline. (see image below)
      • Specify a date by which all parties should sign off on the review. This will be used in email reminders and notifications when “overdue” is determined.

Note: If a review sign-off deadline is not selected, the current day’s date will automatically be selected

  1. Click Save & Continue

The review cycle has now been created as a draft. You can continue on to the next steps. You can leave the review cycle and return to it at any point if needed.

TIP: Save your review as a template if you plan on using it again in the future. Once you publish it, you will NOT be able to convert it to a template.

Customizing your Review

When you are setting up questions for your team, there will be three types of questions to choose from:

    • Free From
    • Custom Rating/Scale
    • Multiple Choice

Free Form Questions -

  1. Add question text (required)
  2. Add question description (optional)
  3. Select respondents to the question. You can choose for only the Reviewee to respond or only the Reviewer or both.
  4. Click Save Question

Custom Rating/Custom Scale -

  1. Add question text (required)
  2. Add question description (optional)
  3. Select max value: 3-10 (required)
    • The max value defaults to 5. The min value is always 1
  4. Enter min and max labels (optional)
    • Min label defaults to Worst, and max label defaults to Best
  5. Select respondents to the question. You can choose for only the Reviewee to respond or only the Reviewer or both.
  6. Click Save Question

Multiple Choice

  1. Add question text (required)
  2. Add question description (optional)
  3. Click "+ Add Option" to create options, and save the option
  4. Repeat the process until you have between 2 and 10 options
  5. Select respondents to the question. You can choose for only the Reviewee to respond or only the Reviewer or both.
  6. Click Save Question

To use a Review Template that you made previously, you will select this template by hovering over the right side of the screen when you are in the 'Create Questions' portion of the Review.

Questions added from a review template inherit all attributes, so the question text, respondents, multiple choice options, scale values, etc.

To change the attributes of the question, click on the question to edit it.

Adding Participants to a Review Cycle

To add participants to a review, search or filter for participants.

Click on participants' names to add them to the review cycle.

In order to publish a review, at least one person must be added to the review cycle. Our system automatically assigns the review to the direct manager of the participant included in the review cycle, as well as their secondary manager if that applies. You will only need to select the people who will be getting reviewed.

Users that cannot be added to review cycles are:

  • Limited access users
  • Deactivated users
  • Users that do not have a manager

To add new users to an existing Review Cycle

  1. Open the review cycle and locate the three dots next to the meeting title

  1. From this view, you can add participants to an existing review by clicking their name on the left side of the review

  1. You can also remove participants from an existing review by clicking the 'X' when hovering over their name on the right side of the page

Saving a Review as a Template

Currently, you are only able to save a review as a template before the review is published. After a review is published, you will not be able to save the review as a template.

To save a review as a template, you will do this on the final step of creating the Review Cycle, the Preview & Publish step of the Review.

Publishing a Review

The Preview & Publish step lets you view how the review will look for participants before publishing.

  • You can edit, rearrange and delete questions from this step.
  • You can also save the review cycle as a draft from this step so you can navigate away from the cycle and return to make edits later.
  • You can delete the draft review cycle from this step as well.

When you’re ready to publish, click Publish Review Cycle!

Editing an Existing Review

Once you have created a Review Cycle, you can find it under the 'Reviews' tab->Admin in Leadr.

The review tile gives you a snapshot of the cycle; the review period, the due date, and the progress level of the Review.

To edit cycle details on an existing review

  1. Open the review cycle and locate the three dots next to the meeting title

  1. Within this view, you can edit the review title, the description of the review, the start and end date of the review, the self-assessment deadline, and the review deadline.

To edit Review participants for an existing review

  1. Open the review cycle and locate the three dots next to the meeting title

  1. From this view, you can add participants to an existing review by clicking their name on the left side of the review

  1. You can also remove participants from an existing review by clicking the 'X' when hovering over their name on the right side of the page

To edit the Reviewers for an existing review - helpful for editing a new manager on a review

  1. You will first want to change the manager for this employee by going to the People page and click on Admin

  1. After you are on the Admin page, locate the person who's manager is changing and click on their name. Once you click on their name, their settings will pop up. You can edit their manager from this view.

  1. Once you edit the manager, you will go back to the Reviews page and locate the three dots next to the meeting title in the Review Cycle.

  1. Lastly, you will select 'Update Reviewers' to apply the employees new manager to the existing Review. This button works as a "refresh" button.

You can also send reminders of a Review through this view.

Tracking individual stages of an Active Review Cycle

As an admin, you can go in and individually track the progress of each Review within a Review Cycle and see what stage each participant is in. There are a few different statuses that will appear for each stage.

Start Review: At the beginning of the Review Cycle, you will see this status, which indicates that the participants have not submitted their responses yet.

Awaiting Review Release: Once the Reviewee begins their Review and submits their responses, you will see this status, which means they are waiting for their Reviewer (manager or supervisor) to submit their responses.

Release Review: Before the Reviewer releases their review, this will be their status, indicating their next step.

Sign-off Review: Once the Reviewer (manager or supervisor) releases their review, both the Reviewer (manager or supervisor) and the Reviewee (employee) will see this as their status.

Complete: Once both the Reviewee (employee) and Reviewer (manager or supervisor) have Signed-off their Review, this will be their status

Tracking the Overall Progress of an Active Review Cycle

In the admin view, you will see the progress of the whole Review Cycle through percentages.

The percentage bar can be found on the Review Cycle page, once you click on a Review Cycle. You will also be able to see the percentage on the preview of the Review Cycle.

This percentage is calculated by the participants in the review who have 'Signed-off' on their review. This would be the percentage of participants who are completed finished with their review, their status would show 'Completed'.

You can also view the progress of each review in the cycle by the amount of participants in the review. This view can be found on the Review Cycle's page, right under the progress bar.

Closing a Review Cycle

To complete a Review Cycle as an Admin, you will select the 'Finish Cycle' option to the top right corner of the Review Cycle page.

Please note, once a Review Cycle is closed by an Admin, the review will show as 'completed' for every participant within the Review Cycle, regardless of if their own review was completed.

To complete a review, you can do this at any point during a Review Cycle.

The Review Cycle does not have to be at the deadline date for you to complete the review.

The Review Cycle does not have to be 100% complete for you to complete the review.

However, please note that the percentage that the Review is at when you close the Review Cycle, is what will remain when you close out the Review Cycle. For example, if the Review Cycle is showing a progress bar of 50% when you close the Review Cycle, then the Review Cycle will be found in the Completed section of the Reviews with a progress bar of 50%. See below.

If everyone in the Review Cycle has completed their Review, you should see '100% Complete' on the Review Cycle. This will not auto-complete the review cycle. You still must complete the cycle from within the Admin view.

Re-opening a Review

If there is a Review Cycle that was marked as finished, that now needs to be re-opened, there is a simple fix for this.

  1. Navigate to the 'Completed' section within the Reviews tab. This should be located at the very bottom of your Reviews.

  1. Once you locate the Completed reviews, navigate to the closed Review Cycle that you need to re-open. Once you find this Review Cycle, click on it and you will see two ways to re-open the reviews. One option is at the top right corner of the Reviews screen and the other is through the three dots to the right of the Review title.

If there is a Review that was submitted by anyone in the Review Cycle, that now needs to be re-opened to edit a response or something else, there is a simple fix for that as well.

Re-opening Reviews will re-open both the Reviewee and Reviewer's ability to edit responses and both parties will need to re-submit their portions and redo the final comment (if added already) for their review to move back into complete. The Admin will not see responses until both have been submitted again.

  1. Locate the Review Cycle that the participant submitted a Response for within the 'Active' Review section.

Please note, an individual review cannot be re-opened if the Review Cycle was closed out.

  1. Once you locate the Review Cycle within the Active Reviews, click on the Review and you can either use the three dots next to the Review Cycle title to re-open each participants review

Or, you can use the three dots next to the individuals name to re-open just that one participants review. This will send the participants review back to the 'edit' stage of their review.

Sharing a review

To share a review, you can either print the review or export the whole Review Cycle.

To print a review or save as a PDF

  1. Navigate to the Review Cycle that this review is in and click on the participant that you would like to print your review for. Once you are viewing this participants review, you will select 'Print Review' at the top right corner of the Review page.

  1. Upon selecting Print Review, a Pop-Up tab or window should appear, select Print to route to the computers print options.

Please note that the first page of the review will be blank for the most part.

To Export a Review Cycle as a CSV

To export an entire Review Cycle, you can do this by exporting it as a CSV, which is is a text file that has a specific format which allows data to be saved in a table structured format. Similar to an excel spreadsheet.

  1. Locate the Review Cycle you want to export, this can be an active Review or a completed Review.
  2. Once you are in that Review Cycle, you can use the three dots next to the Review Title to select 'Export CSV'

  1. Once you select 'Export CSV', a green confirmation bubble will come across the top. If you are receiving a red bubble, please contact Leadr Support.

  1. Now you can wait for an email regarding your export.

Video Walkthrough

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