Create a Survey

Would you like to gain a pulse on your team's thoughts for your next meeting or event? Would you like to know if your team has all they need in their role?

You came to the right place! You can do this by sending out a quick survey

Let's get started!

This article will help you navigate how to fill out and submit a Survey that was assigned to you, how to create a Survey, and everything in between.

Where to find a Survey

Surveys can be found on the left panel of your Leadr screen

Upon arriving at the Surveys section, you will see all surveys assigned to you, whether completed or still due, under the 'Received' tab. Surveys will remain visible in Received regardless of the due date or completion.

The 'Sent' tab will store any Surveys you sent to others. Clicking into Sent will display whether they are still ongoing or complete.

You will also be able to see the due date for either Received or Sent surveys within the main screen. Click on a Survey for more details and to complete it. In sent once a survey is selected, you will see the details, results, and the ability to export.

Never made a survey before?

Let's Create a Survey Together!

At the top right corner of your Surveys screen, you will see 'Templates' and '+ New Survey.'

  1. To create a New Survey, click the '+ New Survey' option to get started!

You will then have the option to Start From Scratch or Start with a Template.

To Start From Scratch

  1. You will create this survey from beginning to end. You will add a Title for the Survey and you can continue to put a description or due date as well.

If you would like to save this template for future use, that is something you will be able to add on the Create a Survey page.

  1. The next step is to add questions to your Survey, three types of questions that can be added to your Survey, Multiple Choice, Custom Scale, or Short Answer. To add questions, click "Add Question"
  • Multiple-choice questions allow you to add your questions by going to the '+ Add Options' tab. You can add up to 10 possible options for answers!

  • Custom Scale will allow you to add scale to rate answers instead of typing out a response. You can edit the Minimum Label as well as the Maximum Label to fit your verbiage, you can also adjust the Maximum Value to better fit your desired value (ie. 1-5, 1-3)

  • Lastly, you can create your questions to be Short Answers, this is similar to the essay questions we all loved to do in school!

  1. Once you have successfully added your question, you will hit 'Save Question' at the bottom left of the screen

  1. Your final step is to assign this Survey to participants.

After you save all your questions, you will be directed back to the 'Create a Survey' page and from there, you can choose 'Save and Select Participants' to send your survey out to your team!

Survey Templates

If you have a Survey that you want to send out more than once, you can save this Survey as a template!

  1. Select the 'Templates' tab in the top right corner of your Surveys to get started!

Once you open up the 'Templates' tab, you will see all the templates you have created in the past, as well as any templates that have been created for your organization and Curated by Leadr templates.

  1. To create your Template, you will select '+ Add New Survey Template' at the bottom of this screen

You can continue the creation of your New Survey Template with the instructions listed above 😁. You can also use these templates when you are going to send out a New Survey!

Video Walkthrough of Surveys

Click Play to View Full Video in Loom

Viewing Survey Responses

To view Survey responses, you will go into the 'Sent' tab of your Surveys.

Whether the Survey you would like to view responses for is in Progress or complete, both will be found in the 'Sent' section. By clicking on the Survey, you will see 'Survey Results' at the top

  • Your results will be able to be filtered By Question or By Person.
  • Within either view, you will be able to Export and Print Responses

Printing and Exporting Survey Responses

When you click on the Survey you want to see the results of, you will have the option to either Export or Print your Survey responses within the By Question or By Person view.

  • Next to the title of the Survey will be three dots, within these dots is a drop-down menu with the options to 'Print' or 'Export' these results

  • The 'Export' field will automatically download as a .csv with the Survey results.

Deleting/Recalling a Survey

  • Recall the survey - Users can recall the survey from people who have not completed yet, you can either Recall all of Recall individuals

  • End survey - Users can still see the details of submitted answers, but no additional answers can be submitted

  • Delete the survey - Removes the survey and all results from users

Video Walk-Thru

If you still have any questions, please feel free to reach out to and we can better assist you there

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