Add a Hyperlink in Leadr

Use the hyperlink button for an easy way to add a link from a website within Leadr.

Do you need to link an external document in your next meeting in Leadr? Or what about a link to the recorded All-Hands Meeting? You can easily accomplish this by Adding a Hyperlink within your meeting!

Note: We understand that adding a PDF is important to some users, and if that is the case for you, we'd love to hear from you within our Lightbulb bubble! For now, the best way to add a document to your meeting is by uploading the document to a cloud-hosted service provider and then adding it through a hyperlink!

  1. Start by Scheduling a Meeting, or select an upcoming meeting from within the Meetings Tab!
  2. Once you arrive at your Meeting, you can either add this Hyperlink as a comment or as an Agenda Item.

  3. You will add the Hyperlink in the URL field and then you can choose how it will be displayed under the Text field.

  4. Next, select Insert to see your Hyperlink populate within the chosen word or phrase. Note: you will know this is linked in the text if it is listed in blue.
  5. Finish typing in your topic, then select Add Topic. Or, if the phrase is linked in blue, select Add Topic.

  1. You can also link to an external document within the Add Note feature. Within your Meeting, you will see a Notes section, only visible to you.

  2. Within this view, you can add Notes that are only visible to you and you can add a Hyperlink to these notes.

  3. Once you add notes here, they will auto-save! So you are all set 😊

Other Areas

  1. Anywhere you can type, you can link. From within a goal, learning, reviews, etc.
  2. Similar to above, locate the link button
  3. Next, add the link
  4. Lastly, add the links text

If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to

#link #hyperlink #agenda #file #pdf #attachments

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